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Diet for twleve year old boy -

20-12-2016 à 14:15:52
Diet for twleve year old boy
She found a 5cm cyst on my left ovary that she thought was a dermoid cyst and said she would probably have to remove it. Different layers of your stomach was opened up. I have to admit i was very scared before the surgery. So there was no way of me to prepare for it, as everything happened to quickly. I asked if I could exercise and he said yes but still waited an extra week. So i was given a morphine injection for the pain and also some IV paracetamol to reduce my temperature. I also wish someone had told me to take a gentle laxative every day post surgery. That will give me 2 more weeks for my body to adjust. I do have issues with my thyroid medication, I am either over medicated or undermedicated. I also had to have a shower with assistance the following morning, about 18 hours post op, whereupon I immediately burst into tears. This is when i was told i had to get up and walk around. I was told a six week to twleve week recovery but Im not sure if I should be feeling this way, I get so tired and hungry all the time. I was discharged after 3 days and as soon as i got home i felt ten times better. I also had a catheter in which was removed 24 hours after surgery together with the morphine pump. I would put make-up on and do my hair just like I was going out, but not going anywhere. By Friday I was at least up and showered and feeling much better. Take your time recovering and take care because nothing should be worth more than to feel 100%. Each morning, I feel a little better which is extremely encouraging. Half way through the evening I began to fully realise how much my pain relief was masking my symptoms. His conjunctivae were hyperalgesic and erythematous, and Fluorescein staining revealed numerous randomly occurring corneal abrasions. If your specialist is not very generous about time off then you can go to a family doctor cuz they can write you time off too. The recovery will depend on the size of the incision and where it is. It is still sore when I go from laying to sitting, but I am having little pain when I go from sitting to standing. I already ate a week worth of antibiotics. I was discharged on day 4, the painkillers perscribed to me to take home did nothing for me and I couldnt sleep in bed as everytime I laid flat the pain tore through me, and sleeping on my side was a no no as I felt like my insides were being twisted. If you are on prescripted pain killer, maybe start trying regular over the counter painkillers. I was told it is very rare to have cysts on both ovaries, the Dr could not see my left ovary so told me I only had them on one side. You mentioned wind. The tumor is not able to be biopsied due to the location and they can not tell for sure that it is not a cancerous tumor. Thankfully the tumor was benign and they removed my left ovary and fallopian tube and was given the all clear. I was sent for an ultra sound and was shown that i had a growth on my right ovary. I feel like I have put my life on a pause button. It would have been better, psychologically, to just clear the slate for a month from the start. Once lying down and still i was ok and once stood up and not moving i was ok it was the part inbetween that got me the most. Having had 2 ovarian cysts and losing my right ovary I would like to do what ever I can to prevent reoccurrences and preserve my precious left ovary as I have the added setback of my age (35) and would like to take time to get back to optimum health and fitness before trying for a baby. i went back to work 12 days after operation, which now i def realise was far too short recovery time. Had my friend not arrived when she did I would most definitely not have survived. Thankyou for your reply. I work 60 hour work weeks and started full time again this week. I am 19 years old and just found out that i have a 15 cm cyst on my right ovary. It will tell you if you are doing too much. knows that 2 weeks is not enough recovery time. I woke up the next day and my surgery was at 3pm. Try to limit what you are doing to small things. I shower every day anyway, but after a laparotomy it is essential to shower every day to keep the wound clean to avoid infection. Ive been told to expect 6-8 week recovery, but 3 months for total recovery. I started with no problem and it was my second week working my butt off. It hurts quite a bit and massaging it helps. In Feb I had my internal ultrasound which put the dermoid cyst at 7x8cm. My incision is just below my bikini line and is about 8 inches long. It has been extremely helpful to know that there are so many other women going through the same things I am. Make sure that you are eating healthy high fibre to keep you regular and it will help with your peirods as well. Jaymers-I would not recommend going back to work right away. I went to my family physician, and she sent me immediately to the ER. I still have a hard time wearing underwear and pants it hits the swollen area. After signing my surgery consent form I had a very sleepless night in hospital worrying about the surgery. Also, gas causes a lot of the pain, take Gas-X daily. Back then the recovery was about like now, faily easy. I did mention that the only difference was my working out and did not tell me to stop. lol. I have been told that I should not go back to work for 12 weeks to allow it to heal completely. Just moving in the bed was painful enough. She observed it for 4 weeks and then said it grew to 7cm so she scheduled a laparoscopic surgery for 7:00 a. It now looks like I have two little guts I think from the swelling one normal one and then another one in between the 1st one and the incision (sorry hard to describe). Sounds like the larger which takes about 6 weeks. I was not able to have any enemas of any kind because of the stiching repair to the bowel. Start off with half days and slowly increase your hours. THat muffin top over the scar looks like a cliff overhang, I hope it will settle down. Start off with half days and slowly increase your hours. I have a high threshold for pain, i have a question if anyone can help. Also 4 days are definitely not going to be enough time to recover. One was nine cm one was seven cm. I already ate a week worth of antibiotics. You will need it during your stay in the hospital pulling yourself in and out of bed. The hormones are settling but I had to start taking a mild HRT, to settle the flushes. They initially went in with a scope through my belly button, but had to do a laparotomy instead. It would have been better, psychologically, to just clear the slate for a month from the start. Santa Claus is Coming To Town (for Unix geeks). I howevedr did not find out until post op nearly a week later, I did not bother to look belly as it was swollen and did not want to see it kept it covered and even when I showered I did not want to touch. After my surgery my hcg levels were continuing to rise just not as much as is normal. -30lbs in a year. The main thing is to listen to your body. The hormones may take a while, fluctuating is normal. Bottomline is your recovery is more important than playing with your daughter for now. The main thing is to listen to your body. But I still suggest you to take some more time off. My doctor said no work for 2 weeks and then work from home for 2 more weeks. I Just had a procedure done yesterday for Endometriosis. My stomach and abdomen are was swollen for about 2 weeks. My initial complaint was chronic hip pain in my right hip, which has totally gone now thanks to the surgery, it was due to scarring on the uteral sacro ligament. In my case, I had a stomach ache on Dec. As I said i am 4 weeks post op and I am able to walk about 40 minutes per day. I felt like a wimp, until I read this forum. Or else ur body will pay for it afterwards. Im able to walk around for 40 minutes a day, and rest as much as I can. I have been lucky as it has healed very well but my parents kept me on a strict diet as being chinese they believe that eggs and beef and prawns are not good after op. Belly button, one on each side of my abdomen, and 3 inch cut in my bikini line (which I agree is the most painful of the 4). Doctor said I could go back to work whenever I feel like it. I had a laparotomy Sep. I went back for my two-week check-up certain there was something terribly wrong with me, because I was still in pain. I set an alarm at night and wake up every 2 hours to take the meds. Ive been told to expect 6-8 week recovery, but 3 months for total recovery. guess it is the unknown. I now have a fever and am waiting for my surgeon to call back. I agreed to have the epidural and would recommend it to anyone. Before I had spotting (brown stuff) for 4 weeks before I found out I had my cyst. 2 weeks later. If you normally excercise, know that you wont be able to do what you did before the OR for a while start slow and work your way up without expecation as to when you should be normal again. THat muffin top over the scar looks like a cliff overhang, I hope it will settle down. to my surprise a day later my right incision had a small opening and I called the doctor they told me it was normal and to put vitamin E. Be sure to get the proper info on taking Iron supplements. I do work a lottof hours, but I promise I will get back to you. The muscles either side of my belly button are also sore and a bit lumpy. My incision is just below my bikini line and is about 8 inches long. I went in knowing I had a large abdominal mass (16cm) and had showed signs of cancer markers in my bloods. And this week currently i have been back at work part time. I was sent for an ultra sound and was shown that i had a growth on my right ovary. This not great as the morphine kept me drowsy and very dizzy. and now it makes sense as I tend to be very gassy. After peeing on my own, passing gas (they were really concerned about this which kept grossing me out), eating solid food and going on a ten minute slow walk I got to go home about 3:00 the day after surgery. I started drinking Emergen-Cee and the spasms have dissipated. I still feel a little uncomfortable and am suffering back ache now which i never had before. I spent 9 hours in the ER, in immense pain, until finally an ultrasound was performed that revealed the mutant alien dermoid. I have a high threshold for pain, i have a question if anyone can help. My GP said that I should mention it to my specialist when I go there in August. 3cm R and 6cm L), along with my right ovary. It seems to be going soooo slowly. I hope i am not in that much pain after mine. So much for avoiding the c-section this pregnancy. Your body will tell you when you should back up and lay down. Back then the recovery was about like now, faily easy. Kathypoppins, it sounds like you have a wound infection. As I said i am 4 weeks post op and I am able to walk about 40 minutes per day. I am an accountant so my work does not require much movement. I think you should take it easy the first week and then see how you feel but make sure you see the doctor before you return to work. I ad to be able to walk and pee before i was let out. My poor husband was so upset he was nearly in tears. They gave me a sedative and I slept the entire time until they woke me up and said ok all done. They told me they could not rule anything out but they did believe it was more likely to be a cyst or abscess. Driving and moving around leaves me exhausted, and in major pain nightly. It is now almost 2 weeks since I had laparotomy and laparoscopy procedures to remove 2 Dermoid Cysts (29. I have been lucky as it has healed very well but my parents kept me on a strict diet as being chinese they believe that eggs and beef and prawns are not good after op. Thank god my mother stepped in and filled the gaps. My stomach and abdomen are was swollen for about 2 weeks. But I am being good. The main scar is still sore on the inside and by later in the day I get pain down the left side, still have the shelf overhanging which hoping with time and eventually some exercise will go, still quite bloated but this comes and goes seems to get worse later in the day. There is no pus, no fever, no pain, no redness other than the general scar area. I was expecting by now that the swelling in my stomach would have gone down, but it seems that many of you are still swollen after this length of time post surgery. The bowel perforation was unfortunate as during the endo surgery a colo-rectal surgeon was called to release adhered bowel, not due to endo, hence it was perforated. The pain recoverin from laprascopsy was terrible i was so tired and sore. It usually happens when I go from walking around back to laying down. I was quite surprised by the pain in the scar when I eventually woke up, still in a morphine haze. Bottomline is your recovery is more important than playing with your daughter for now. I am now almost 6 weeks post op and I still feel a little pain when Im lying on my side but its so much better than it was. Cuz I tend not to have the appetite so I eat a little at a time. I have a burning(feels like alot of bee stings) on the right side where my ovary used to be. The gas pains are horrible, i have never felt anything like this in my life. I had a surgical laparoscopy oct 13 and it was not easy, I was told it would be a piece of cake but not so much. They were going to try a laparoscopy but because of the size, didnt think possible as the cysts are filled with a fluid that will poison you if leaked into the body. You wouldnt believe how much pain wind can cause, and it can also cause pain in places you wouldnt expect. I need to brave it and have my period. The nurses insisted we had to get up to the table to eat. The doctors told me just to bring the shower head down to the wound and gently wet the area. After surgery the surgeon told me I was lucky to be alive as if I had been out in a shopping centre and it had burst I would not be here today. Also, gas causes a lot of the pain, take Gas-X daily. There is no longer pain, but a throbbing and and the burning sensation. Do you think due to the size i will need a laparotomy. It started of with the doctors thinking i mite have a cyst on my right ovary as i had an internal scan and my consultant found a shadow on the ovary. My stomach was swollen that much that i looked like i was pregnant. I have a feeling it is going to be a long and horrible night. I have also had to have my submandibular gland removed (10-08) due to a sialdentias. I was discharged after 3 days and as soon as i got home i felt ten times better. It has been 4 weeks and the pain has not gone. I feel great and also know not to work too hard yet but my family is happy I can now vacuum, sweep, and lift the laundry. When i was discharged i had to return to an early pregnancy ward for blood test where sadly hcg levels dropped and i lost the baby. It was an emergency procedure performed just one hour after getting the results of an ultrasound test. I am going to see my GP in feb 2010 for my check up and see if there is an ultra sound or check up i can have to prevent getting in the same situation as i do want children in the future. Thank God im much better now as it has been 5 months since my surgery. This past week was slightly easier, but not much. Everything felt like straw with a light dusting of concrete powder to eat. I had my Laparotomy on Nov. Dr. Just wondering if anyone knows roughly the recovery time for a removal of a ovary, also scar tissue. ). The pain was quite intense and actually radiated all up the right side of my body and into my right shoulder which made it painful to breathe. Only takes time but I promise the worst part will be over before you know it (first week is spent in bed). The only discomfort I have and it is minor is the pulling around the stitches. I recently (10 December 2009) had a laparoscopy for the removal of severe endo. I am now almost 6 weeks post op and I still feel a little pain when Im lying on my side but its so much better than it was. When i came out of surgery in the recovery room, when i came round i was immediately aware of the pain in my lower stomach. The dr can give some hormones for that if it is bad, give them a call. I was just reading both your stories and im sorry to hear that things are not going so good for either of you. 1. Doctor said I could go back to work whenever I feel like it. My tummy is huge and bloated and the pain worsens during the day. After a surgery, you should have at the very least 4 - 8 weeks off. I shower every day anyway, but after a laparotomy it is essential to shower every day to keep the wound clean to avoid infection. I have also had to have my submandibular gland removed (10-08) due to a sialdentias. I was originally scheduled for a Laparscopy to remove a 10cm cyst on my left ovary, but once they looked inside they found my large cyst had invited many little friends and that they brought a truckload of Endo. I had a 5cm dermoid cyst removed from right ovary 5 weeks ago. At first the incision had brown liquid coming out and then it turned to yellow. I think you should take more time off from work to rest if you could. After my surgery, I was at home recovering for 4 months. Just recently got back to work on a Gradual Return to Work Plan. Rally your family and friends NOW to create a support network, and help you financially through this period, if you need it. Jenwa, you had quite a large mass removed so its no wonder you are still experiencing quite a bit of pain. Within a few hours or so i felt better in the head, not so woozy but i didnt realise how uncomfortable is would be to move myself. You should contact the ward you were in at the hospital for advice from the nurses and if need be they will advise you to go to your GP for antibiotics. Once lying down and still i was ok and once stood up and not moving i was ok it was the part inbetween that got me the most. Remember that you did just have surgery and average recover is 6-8wks. Thanks for any info and all the best to anyone dealing with this. It usually happens when I go from walking around back to laying down. I have been reading all your stories so thought id share mine. I was in so much pain last night even after taking the pain medicine like its candy. thank you for your help. The wound is lovely, just a bit pink, no stitches to come out. it ranged from a fibroid to ovarian tumor. Jenwa, you had quite a large mass removed so its no wonder you are still experiencing quite a bit of pain. Within a couple of hours I had feeling back and it was worth it. I found the lack of privacy difficult too, one loo between four lovely ladies but I was a bit paranoid about infection. Take care too and thanks again for your reply, its so reassuring to hear from someone that has been through a similar operation. He has had all his immunizations, including all available vaccines for tropical diseases. I too have the over hanging, swollen abdomen, but hope that after my first menstrual this will start to go down. Had the tube in for almost 4 days until my intestines woke up. Cuz I tend not to have the appetite so I eat a little at a time. I felt reasonably calm and cheerful going down to theatre. When they opened me up and realised it was a corpus luteum cyst that had ruptured they were able to drain away all the blood that had gathered in my pelvis and they sewed up my ovary. Sorry, and not to be disrespectful or anything - but. With the hormonal change it may take longer as you could feel more tired and emotional than what you are use to. You guys have really got me worried not about my upcoming surgery. I could not get into bed last night and had to lay on the couch. I was not able to leave hospital until I had passed gas and a bowel motion, which was not happening. I find that getting out and getting some sunshine has worked wonders for me. There was also a small 3cm cyst on the right ovary. Now I am looking at the other one being removed soon, as they have discovered a cyst, so I thought I would log on and catch up on the latest treatment, recovery, etc. However I will have to get some new Jodhpurs as I have definitely changed shape. At first the incision had brown liquid coming out and then it turned to yellow. I am going to see my GP in feb 2010 for my check up and see if there is an ultra sound or check up i can have to prevent getting in the same situation as i do want children in the future. You mention sharp pains, down both hips and particularly your left side (where the work was done). They also made an incision on my existing c-section scar ( which is the most painful as of right now) and that i have no idea what for. Feb 10. It will tell you if you are doing too much. I was told I would be in the hospital for three days. Thankyou for your reply. The left side where the cyst was and the ovary removed is still swollen but trust that each day you will get better. Do you think due to the size i will need a laparotomy. Hang in there everyone, the first couple of days after surgery are painful but it does get better-trust me. They initially went in with a scope through my belly button, but had to do a laparotomy instead. The wound area is still a bit soar and it feels numb around it. But I am being good. You mention sharp pains, down both hips and particularly your left side (where the work was done). I just read your comment and honestly i can relate as this is how i feel. I think they are calling it a diagnostic laposcopy (sp) They are initially going in to remove a tumor that is underneathe my aorta, but will be looking at my female organs due to the fact that my monthly cycles are off (to many periods) and I have pain in the left side. I went into hospital for a laparoscopy to remove a 10 cm multilocular cyst on my left ovary. My doctor removed the cyst back then and within a month I was back in surgery again to have the ovary removed as another cyst formed. Jaymers-I would not recommend going back to work right away. There is so much your doctor does not tell you. Within a couple of hours I had feeling back and it was worth it. I was told i had to get up and move about. I have also had an abscess that had two different kinds of infection in it on my left buttock, it was on the inside, they did the cut and drain twice due to the infection not going away. Family history was unavailable, as the patient could not name any relatives. This not great as the morphine kept me drowsy and very dizzy. It is now almost 2 weeks since I had laparotomy and laparoscopy procedures to remove 2 Dermoid Cysts (29. can any1 advise a proper recovery period. It has been extremely helpful to know that there are so many other women going through the same things I am. told me I can work out move around drive and even have sex when my body just tells me to stop. About 8 years ago I had a cyst on my left overy. I was told i had to get up and move about. I had two cysts removed one from each side. The doctor said the procedure would take 1 hour but I woke up 3 hours from the last time I looked at the clock. By Friday I was at least up and showered and feeling much better. I am scheduled back at work 17 days after the surgery and I am seriously doubting even with 7 days to go that I will be able to do this, even at 27 years old I do not know where I will find the strenght I feel like she is pushing me and I do not know that this is healthy. I have a burning(feels like alot of bee stings) on the right side where my ovary used to be. It took me five days to have a bowel movement, and that was not fun when it finally happened. I think you should take it easy the first week and then see how you feel but make sure you see the doctor before you return to work. I have been told that I should not go back to work for 12 weeks to allow it to heal completely. When i came out of surgery in the recovery room, when i came round i was immediately aware of the pain in my lower stomach. Well, that did occur but I knew that after my surgery that something was very wrong. I walk everyday, albeit slow and more like a shuffle, but it helps. I had a surgical laparoscopy oct 13 and it was not easy, I was told it would be a piece of cake but not so much. Saw the specialist who was the surgeon which was quite reassuring. I have my left ovary removed and was told 2-3 days tops. Hi I am new to this, but am glad to hear all of your experiences. I was told I would be in the hospital for three days. This was not discovered until October 08 when I had an ultra sound scan. ). My stomach was sooooo distended and I kept throwing up green bile, as it was not going through my bowels. (not the same time as antibiotics, with caffeine etc. In Nov 08 I had an MRI, shortly after this I had the surgery where the surgeon discovered my left ovary was infact worse than my right and therefor it had to be removed along with the cyst and my left fallopian tube. I felt physically drained, my scar was throbbing, my abdominal area ached and my posture collapsed. Especially right after a surgery, you want to make sure you have at least 1 bowel movement per day. I had a laparotomy to remove a 12cm dermoid cyst and left ovary 9 days ago. I know it seems strange but does anyone how long it should be before sexual activity can be resumed and i dont want to do any futher damaged to my already repairing body. If you need more time off, you should talk with your doctor. Glad but amazed to be out on day 2, crawling along. I also had to have a shower with assistance the following morning, about 18 hours post op, whereupon I immediately burst into tears. I have been out of work ever since the surgery. The hardest thing has been getting out of bed because I have nothing to hold onto. The nurses insisted we had to get up to the table to eat. Ten days later and down to the last 2 pills of cipro, the pains persisted and I knew something was seriously wrong. But I would still suggest to take it easy by June 9. I should have taken the 6 weeks, just because I wanted 1 extra week to relax before jumping back into the stressful work environment. Rolling over in bed or sitting up again the worst for a week then it get better every day. Of course, both my GP and OBGYN are closed for the holidays so I called the hospital that did my surgery. It started of with the doctors thinking i mite have a cyst on my right ovary as i had an internal scan and my consultant found a shadow on the ovary. I have my follow-up appointment on 3rd Feb so im looking forward to being back to myself very soon. said I could return to work on the 10th day after the surgery. Starting to accept the fact it will take time, will be pleased once stomache starts to decrease slightly seems to increase from an already bloated belly to a good extra 4 inches by the end of the day - weird almost like all the fluid and gas settles in other areas in the night then throughout the day it comes back to the one spot. I am very tired and feel week when I try to do too much. Will a cyst this size more than likely need a laparotomy. When I got to the hospital the anesthesiologist asked me if I was willing to have an epidural instead of being put under. But, I may be able to help with part of your questions. The dr can give some hormones for that if it is bad, give them a call. The night sweats could be due to me hitting menopaus (38). Especially right after a surgery, you want to make sure you have at least 1 bowel movement per day. I now have a fever and am waiting for my surgeon to call back. The hormones are settling but I had to start taking a mild HRT, to settle the flushes. I just had a Laparotomy to remove a 10cm dermoid cyst 5 weeks ago in my left ovary. to my surprise a day later my right incision had a small opening and I called the doctor they told me it was normal and to put vitamin E. Rolling over in bed or sitting up again the worst for a week then it get better every day. I too felt terrible and the pain was unbearable but I was also eager to go home as I found it difficult to rest in Hospital. Was suppose to have been having a laparoscopy to remove my left ovary and large cyst within this along with treatment for endemetriosis, woke up to have had a laparotomy and the latter all done plus part of the fallopian tube with it. I think they are calling it a diagnostic laposcopy (sp) They are initially going in to remove a tumor that is underneathe my aorta, but will be looking at my female organs due to the fact that my monthly cycles are off (to many periods) and I have pain in the left side. They will be looking at my kidneys, I am currently being treated for Intestrial Cystis (FREQUENT urination) And last but not least, they will be looking at my adrenal glands. There is so much your doctor does not tell you. Definitely a time to leave your dignity at the door. I feel a bit better today than the surgery day and yesterday. guess it is the unknown. Five days post-op today and I am feeling so much better. Since surgery, I have done quite bit of moving around, albeit uncomfortable at times, but I stopped taking the pain medicine (they had me on a norco pump) the day after surgery because it was causing constipation. But after reading all of the comments above, I am very concerned. The doctors told me just to bring the shower head down to the wound and gently wet the area. They removed both of my ovaries and cleaned them up then put them back. But I still suggest you to take some more time off. Has anyone had the same as me done and gone on to have a baby. Only requires going to your GP and a small local. I had both ovaries removed Dec 18th by laproscopy and I feel pretty good, but my belly button incision seems to be open, like the stitch dissolved before the skin closed over complete. I have been out of work ever since the surgery. i went back to work 12 days after operation, which now i def realise was far too short recovery time. I have been having 3xBM a day for the past 3 days finally, but still having temperature. I have been on birth control for continuously since Oct. A couple of days ago, full of confidence that I was recovering well, I (foolishly) cut back on my pain relief, ventured out to the local shops (walked for 40 mins, although no lifting), did some light house work and had a friend around for dinner (my partner cooked, but I engaged in conversation for 2-3 hours ). I had a laparotomy 2 weeks ago, left ovary and large ovarian cyst removed along with having a right ovarian cyst drained, I was in hospital for 5 days, my cysts were miss diagnosed in April 08 said I had a water infection, when infact it was a 13cm x 6cm cyst. It hurts quite a bit and massaging it helps. You should contact the ward you were in at the hospital for advice from the nurses and if need be they will advise you to go to your GP for antibiotics. I recently (10 December 2009) had a laparoscopy for the removal of severe endo. He left my right ovary in as I was only 39 or 40 at that time. If you are on prescripted pain killer, maybe start trying regular over the counter painkillers. What you are talking about sounds like you should go back and have it restitched. He has smoked pipe tobacco for many years, although workplace regulations at the North Pole have forced him to cut back to one or two pipes per day for the last 5 years. I too wish that more information was given at the hospital. If you are reading this pre-surgery, please take it upon yourself to research the procedure, and prepare yourself for a slow recovery over a month, with plenty of help and support. So have decided to try and get some answers for myself. If you normally excercise, know that you wont be able to do what you did before the OR for a while start slow and work your way up without expecation as to when you should be normal again. I finally seem to have managed the pain by taking my medication, and anti nausea meds, in small doses every 2 hours. In fact, if I try to move quicky, my incision slows me down. As you can imagine i was thinking the worst. told me I can work out move around drive and even have sex when my body just tells me to stop. I was misdiagnosed one week earlier when I went to ER for severe abdominal pains, with a kidney infection. I woke up with one staple in the belly button incision and seven staples in an about 4 inch incision at my bikini line. You should arrange to take a two weeks off work, and then go back part-time for two weeks, but stay off your feet. And this week currently i have been back at work part time. After one area of the incision close up then another area of the incision opens up again with fluids coming out. C, an obese, white caucasian male, who appeared approximately 65 years old, but who could not accurately state his age, presented to my family practice office with complaints of generalized aches and pains, sore red eyes, depression, and general malaise. Try to do a bit more each day but remember to rest when your body tells you to. I hope that all of the other ladies on this site also recover quickly. I now have Prostap injections once a month for 6 months, I do not know if I will ever be able to have children until I try. said I could return to work on the 10th day after the surgery. Had my friend not arrived when she did I would most definitely not have survived. Good luck to anyone researching this for an upcoming surgery. The recovery will depend on the size of the incision and where it is. There was also a small 3cm cyst on the right ovary. I woke up with one staple in the belly button incision and seven staples in an about 4 inch incision at my bikini line. Do a Gradual Return to Work if you can work something out with your company. 3cm R and 6cm L), along with my right ovary. For the remainder of that day i was pretty out of it with the anasethic still working and the morphine. But, I may be able to help with part of your questions. I experienced pain on the 21st December and was taken into hospital. It is now three weeks since the op and I can at least move around more, no longer doing an impression of a ladybird on its back trying to get up. I wish all of you a safe procedure and speedy recovery. I had a laparoscopy, have a cut in my belly button and 2 small ones below that. He has performed this work for as long as he can remember. Kathypoppins, it sounds like you have a wound infection. Unfortunatelly I found a small hole on one of my incisions and it freaked me out, there is no pain or pus or anything so I thought it was normal. My abdomen is very mishapen and tight at the end of the day. 1. I am amazed how dr. Hi, today is Sunday-two days ago I had my right ovary and tube removed via laproscopic surgery. I hate the pain meds-oxycodone and try to bear the pain without taking the meds. Only requires going to your GP and a small local. I was told it is very rare to have cysts on both ovaries, the Dr could not see my left ovary so told me I only had them on one side. I found walking around helped me although once it hit the evening thats when the pain kicks in. I can not fit any of my pants even my pull ons are to tight, my navel is still sore as well. I was alotted sick leave for the first 5 days and the additional 5 were covered under state disability benefits. It took another nine hours to have my first emergency laparoscopy to remove my ruptured, gangrene appendix - apparently it was encapsulated though. Also still on antibiotics, but hoping to kick them early next week. Prior to the surgery, the doctor told me I could return to work the following Monday (4 days post-surgery) and was a bit surprised. After two weeks my doctor told me I could get back to my regular routine which I was dying to do. Upon returning home I was still having my Laparotomy wound. has anyone experianced the same. The nurse suggested I cover my belly button up with a band-aid or gauze and tape. I would encourage any lady who have a pending surgery to seek advise from those who has experienced it. The constipation was giving off toxins which were poisoning me. But it would have been far better to go into it expecting this, instead of feeling faint and bursting into tears and having to call her again each day. The would itself is flat, clean and looks OK it is just the area above which is swollen. My GP said that I should mention it to my specialist when I go there in August. When I got home, I took Benefiber with my meals. Belly button, one on each side of my abdomen, and 3 inch cut in my bikini line (which I agree is the most painful of the 4). to the party. Also still on antibiotics, but hoping to kick them early next week. Had the tube in for almost 4 days until my intestines woke up. My scar too runs from my pubic bone to my belly button. Try to do a bit more each day but remember to rest when your body tells you to. The pain recoverin from laprascopsy was terrible i was so tired and sore. Yesterday after the procedure i was OK, but as night fell OH MY GOD. Not too pleased as im 28 and havent had children yet. My belly is overhanging where my stitches were so it is hard to check them and my belly still feels a bit numb in places. I have got up and moved around as much as possible every day. My doc did not mention a word about recovery. C. I still feel a bit of discomfort and pain but each day it gets a little better. He had extensive ecchymoses, abrasions, lacerations, and first-degree burns on his head, arms, legs, and back, which I believe to be caused mainly by trauma experienced during repeated chimney descents and falls from his sleigh. After peeing on my own, passing gas (they were really concerned about this which kept grossing me out), eating solid food and going on a ten minute slow walk I got to go home about 3:00 the day after surgery. I have been having 3xBM a day for the past 3 days finally, but still having temperature. knows that 2 weeks is not enough recovery time. 25, which consists mainly of eggnog, Cola drinks, and cookies). I walk everyday, albeit slow and more like a shuffle, but it helps. The incision looks like it is healing with no puss or bleeding. But all in all at the very beginning i had never experience anything like this and never thought it would end but 3 weeks on i know im feeling 1000 per cent better, just need to get back to normal slowly and safely. s may not be informing women of what recovery will look like. lol. When they opened me up and realised it was a corpus luteum cyst that had ruptured they were able to drain away all the blood that had gathered in my pelvis and they sewed up my ovary. Even if the external wound looks to be healing. After one area of the incision close up then another area of the incision opens up again with fluids coming out. I feel in much need of advice and guidance on what I can and cannot do. After a surgery, you should have at the very least 4 - 8 weeks off. There is no longer pain, but a throbbing and and the burning sensation. Thankfully the tumor was benign and they removed my left ovary and fallopian tube and was given the all clear. Ten days later and down to the last 2 pills of cipro, the pains persisted and I knew something was seriously wrong. I too felt terrible and the pain was unbearable but I was also eager to go home as I found it difficult to rest in Hospital. He left my right ovary in as I was only 39 or 40 at that time. I signed a long consent to whatever they had to do. Travel history is extensive, as he visits nearly every location in the world annually. They made what i thought was going to be a small incision in by belly button. it was so frustrating. I have been off work for 8 weeks and yes I am tired but I think it has to do with being able to nap everyday. In April I had a MRI which put it at 9x10cm. The ER took forever in getting a CT scan, and it turned out to be acute appendicitis. My cut is about 8 inches across but is very low, so not visable in a bikini which is good. The wound area is still a bit soar and it feels numb around it. You mention it being hot to touch and oozing, this is a sign of infection. Hi I am new to this, but am glad to hear all of your experiences. 17, 2008. Feb 10. I have been to the gp as I felt like I had a water infection and felt constant pressure within my pelvis. And you might not notice it at the moment. My cyst was thought to be the size of a softball but turned out to be be larger. Make sure that you are eating healthy high fibre to keep you regular and it will help with your peirods as well. After the surgery I had a morphine pump for the pain which i controlled via a small button which was kept in my right hand. thank you for your help. Was wondering if anyone had similar story and knew how soon it is safe to try and conceive again. In Nov 08 I had an MRI, shortly after this I had the surgery where the surgeon discovered my left ovary was infact worse than my right and therefor it had to be removed along with the cyst and my left fallopian tube. Best of luck to all of you for a speedy recovery. I still feel a little uncomfortable and am suffering back ache now which i never had before. I still have a hard time wearing underwear and pants it hits the swollen area. After surgery the surgeon told me I was lucky to be alive as if I had been out in a shopping centre and it had burst I would not be here today. I understand what you mean about the pain when lying flat, my pain was relieved by my painkillers but I also found that putting a pillow under my legs (to raise them a little) when i was lying flat helped reduce the pain. What with the pain and gas from that, it was worse than the surgery pain. I was given an internal ultrasound and then a CT scan. I still feel a bit of discomfort and pain but each day it gets a little better. They are hoping it will be the answer to my weight loss and night sweats. I feel great and also know not to work too hard yet but my family is happy I can now vacuum, sweep, and lift the laundry. (My appendix bursted when i was young). The wind pains were amazingly intense, but everything got going eventually. It turned out that my tube and bowel were attatched to my appendix scar. Eggs and prawns could increase infection and beef causes the scar to itch. So there was no way of me to prepare for it, as everything happened to quickly. I have also had an abscess that had two different kinds of infection in it on my left buttock, it was on the inside, they did the cut and drain twice due to the infection not going away. I am now for weeks on and though I can move around better I am still sore. It turned out to be a chocolate cyst the size of an orange and stage III endometriosis (which is weird because I have no symptoms). and I hope your recovery is going well. He flies in a sleigh pulled by eight reindeer, and gains access to homes via chimneys. You should definitely go back to your doctor and have your sick leave extended. My gyno will do an ultra sound this coming week because she felt something on the left during the pelvic exam. Lost and going nuts I just wanna be me again. He has had no major illnesses or surgeries in the past. Half way through the evening I began to fully realise how much my pain relief was masking my symptoms. The doctor said the procedure would take 1 hour but I woke up 3 hours from the last time I looked at the clock. s may not be informing women of what recovery will look like. I just had an ovarian cyst removed, along with my right ovary on Nov 4th, 2008. For what was a simple procedure I was in surgery for over 4 hours and lost a litre and a half of blood as they found much smaller cysts and endometriosis all over my ovaries and matted to my pelvis.

I am now for weeks on and though I can move around better I am still sore. admits to drinking only once a year, and only when someone puts rum in the eggnog left for him to consume during his working hours. Before my laparotomy i had a laparoscopy to remove my gall bladder. She would only benefit if you are healthy in long-term. Nedless to say i ended up wetting myself. Belly is still tender but I can move around much easier and I feel like myself more and more each day. A couple of days ago, full of confidence that I was recovering well, I (foolishly) cut back on my pain relief, ventured out to the local shops (walked for 40 mins, although no lifting), did some light house work and had a friend around for dinner (my partner cooked, but I engaged in conversation for 2-3 hours ). On ibuprophen round the clock, with a couple of percocet a day. It also caused fluid to accumulate around my liver and lungs, which i later found out was due to the amount of blood that was hemoridging from the cyst. The surgery took three hours instead of the expected one hour due to scar tissue from endometriosis. And as for the constipation problem for some people, PRUNE JUICE definite works. The nurse suggested I cover my belly button up with a band-aid or gauze and tape. I recently (10 December 2009) had a laparoscopy for the removal of severe endo. Good bless. It took me five days to have a bowel movement, and that was not fun when it finally happened. I am on my 10th day now post op and I do not know that in 7 more days I will be up for the task. I have avoided the urge to stay in bed some days. Mention it to your doctor anyway but Im sure its nothing for you to worry about. The procedure was laprascopic and they made an incision in my belly button and and bikini line. I am 28 years old and I had a laparotomy on 23rd December 2008 to remove a 10cm corpus luteum cyst on my right ovary which had ruptured. What i have a problem with currently is that my stomach normally bulges and its not too sore, just a bit uncomfortable as i sometimes look pregnant. I asked if I could exercise and he said yes but still waited an extra week. But I just hold my belly and do what I can. The tumor is not able to be biopsied due to the location and they can not tell for sure that it is not a cancerous tumor. I am very tired and feel week when I try to do too much. You will need it during your stay in the hospital pulling yourself in and out of bed. They removed both of my ovaries and cleaned them up then put them back. i could not lie down or sit up straight. I have only had cat naps and that is just out of exhaustion. I kept the button on the pump quite busy overnight, but that was taken away together with the catheter on day one. I know it seems strange but does anyone how long it should be before sexual activity can be resumed and i dont want to do any futher damaged to my already repairing body. I have also experience stomach discomfort but this has been since the very beginning, not to mention the bloating that seems to stay with you for quite some time. He has headaches nearly every day, usually starting half way through the day, and worsened by stress. I am a full time student and I am a waitress at a very busy restaurant which involves me to move around a lot. Having had 2 ovarian cysts and losing my right ovary I would like to do what ever I can to prevent reoccurrences and preserve my precious left ovary as I have the added setback of my age (35) and would like to take time to get back to optimum health and fitness before trying for a baby. it was so frustrating. Also the reason you feel worse at the end of the day is because you feel good in the morning so tend to do more. It seems to be going soooo slowly. I went home a day later I had the tape strips over it and took them off the following week. The hormones may take a while, fluctuating is normal. Truly, each person heals differently so you have to listen to your body and how it responds. Good luck to anyone researching this for an upcoming surgery. It turned out to be a chocolate cyst the size of an orange and stage III endometriosis (which is weird because I have no symptoms). I would put make-up on and do my hair just like I was going out, but not going anywhere. I just had a Laparotomy to remove a 10cm dermoid cyst 5 weeks ago in my left ovary. I am worried about taking time off of school and work. They didnt have to remove the ovary after all (I was delighted). I do have issues with my thyroid medication, I am either over medicated or undermedicated. I had a dermoid cyst that measured 10 x 8 cm. I also recommend keeping a pillow on your belly and pushing down to prepare for coughing and laughing. I tend to get depressed being at home all the time. She found a 5cm cyst on my left ovary that she thought was a dermoid cyst and said she would probably have to remove it. I kept the button on the pump quite busy overnight, but that was taken away together with the catheter on day one. To jlo420 - thanks so much for the advise about the prune juice-it worked like a charm:). My body however disagreed she gave me an additional week off. The procedure was laprascopic and they made an incision in my belly button and and bikini line. I was just reading both your stories and im sorry to hear that things are not going so good for either of you. I thought that it was just me and I was not healing in the way I should be but reading this forum has reassured me that it is normal to feel this way and to have these symptoms. I was quite surprised by the pain in the scar when I eventually woke up, still in a morphine haze. Well I was not ready for the pain but I have to admit once i was up it did start easing. I am starting to feel the same way now that i felt last night. When it was removed it was a 16lb 17x15cm. If there is anything that needs to come out she will have the surgeon do it while removing the tumor. I am now 3 weeks out from laproscopic removal of both ovaries. By the middle of the night, the pain had radiated down to my lower right quadrant. By the middle of the night, the pain had radiated down to my lower right quadrant. This helped me built some confidence in myself and made myself feel better. somedays worse than others I have been back to my GP and been perscribed with antibotics for a urine infection which I finished last week and still the pain is there. Just moving in the bed was painful enough. With the hormonal change it may take longer as you could feel more tired and emotional than what you are use to. Each morning, I feel a little better which is extremely encouraging. But I would still suggest to take it easy by June 9. Rally your family and friends NOW to create a support network, and help you financially through this period, if you need it. Well I was not ready for the pain but I have to admit once i was up it did start easing. I felt like a wimp, until I read this forum. Since surgery, I have done quite bit of moving around, albeit uncomfortable at times, but I stopped taking the pain medicine (they had me on a norco pump) the day after surgery because it was causing constipation. It is jus tover 3 weeks since my surgery and the incision on my left side is red, warm to the touch and still oozing. That took a month to clear up using 3 different antiboitics. My wound has never leaked or oozed and has healed perfectly. I set an alarm at night and wake up every 2 hours to take the meds. The wound is lovely, just a bit pink, no stitches to come out. Sorry, did not mean to tell my life story here. When I got home, I took Benefiber with my meals. For the remainder of that day i was pretty out of it with the anasethic still working and the morphine. 18, but unusually high. I spent 9 hours in the ER, in immense pain, until finally an ultrasound was performed that revealed the mutant alien dermoid. Sometimes I feel a tugging in my navel when I stand straight so I walk slightly bent and my doctor told me I could return to work in 5 days, not even. I agreed to have the epidural and would recommend it to anyone. I frankly do not know what to do I hate to have to continue extending and I am wondering if my Dr. Glad but amazed to be out on day 2, crawling along. I was misdiagnosed one week earlier when I went to ER for severe abdominal pains, with a kidney infection. Five days post-op today and I am feeling so much better. I am 28 years old with no children and I missed my period for 2 months in a row so my doctor did an internal ultrasound to look for problems. Thanks for any info and all the best to anyone dealing with this. They made what i thought was going to be a small incision in by belly button. My wound has never leaked or oozed and has healed perfectly. One was nine cm one was seven cm. I feel a bit better today than the surgery day and yesterday. I was then told that the scan had shown something measuring 10cm on my right ovary but that they did not know what it was. I had a laparotomy Sep. The hardest thing has been getting out of bed because I have nothing to hold onto. You can also take otc simethicone 2 tabs four times a day until the bloating leaves or until you have diarrheaa (as it can cause it, but that sometimes helps, too). By my 4 days post op I was able to sleep on my side which my back was very happy about. I decided to have it the 1st week in February. The belly button incision got infected and has now cleared after antibiotics and healed but there is also a small lump under that one too. It is jus tover 3 weeks since my surgery and the incision on my left side is red, warm to the touch and still oozing. 11 and some scar tissued removed as well. I am now 4 weeks post op tomorrow and i am not yet back to myself but I am almost there. I work 60 hour work weeks and started full time again this week. What with the pain and gas from that, it was worse than the surgery pain. I frankly do not know what to do I hate to have to continue extending and I am wondering if my Dr. After what seem like forever they wheeled me to my room and my husband and mom came in and explained what happened. I went into hospital for a laparoscopy to remove a 10 cm multilocular cyst on my left ovary. She observed it for 4 weeks and then said it grew to 7cm so she scheduled a laparoscopic surgery for 7:00 a. It was an emergency procedure performed just one hour after getting the results of an ultrasound test. I woke up this morning to sunburned and extremly warm cheeks which now I have been told by the anesthesiologist that it is an allergic reaction to the adhesive tape they used to close my eyes and the tube down my throat. My doctor removed the cyst back then and within a month I was back in surgery again to have the ovary removed as another cyst formed. I have a low pain barrier lol. I have been reading all your stories so thought id share mine. I went to the gyna and he performed a minor surgery (laparoscope) of which went wrong as during the process he cut one of my bowels by mistake. (My appendix bursted when i was young). My doc did not mention a word about recovery. Before my laparotomy i had a laparoscopy to remove my gall bladder. The incision looks like it is healing with no puss or bleeding. I could not get into bed last night and had to lay on the couch. I too wish that more information was given at the hospital. In Feb I had my internal ultrasound which put the dermoid cyst at 7x8cm. Now I am looking at the other one being removed soon, as they have discovered a cyst, so I thought I would log on and catch up on the latest treatment, recovery, etc. They also made an incision on my existing c-section scar ( which is the most painful as of right now) and that i have no idea what for. I just read your comment and honestly i can relate as this is how i feel. The cut it not painfull to me,I have stiches from the insde. They gave me a sedative and I slept the entire time until they woke me up and said ok all done. They will be looking at my kidneys, I am currently being treated for Intestrial Cystis (FREQUENT urination) And last but not least, they will be looking at my adrenal glands. However thank god no cancer and I kepy my organs. believe it or not its worked for me so far. I have a FLAT stomach and right know i look to be about 5 months pregnant. I was given an internal ultrasound and then a CT scan. On ibuprophen round the clock, with a couple of percocet a day. I was discharged on day 4, the painkillers perscribed to me to take home did nothing for me and I couldnt sleep in bed as everytime I laid flat the pain tore through me, and sleeping on my side was a no no as I felt like my insides were being twisted. It now looks like I have two little guts I think from the swelling one normal one and then another one in between the 1st one and the incision (sorry hard to describe). I had a dermoid cyst that measured 10 x 8 cm. I have had two laparoscopic surgeries in the past for the removal of endometriosis, and found the recovery to be very easy. To jlo420 - thanks so much for the advise about the prune juice-it worked like a charm:). I feel in much need of advice and guidance on what I can and cannot do. I also had that done and it made all the difference in the world with the pain. I tend to get depressed being at home all the time. My abdomen is very mishapen and tight at the end of the day. When i was in surgery they found it was ruptured ovarian cyst and slit my fallopian tube to check for ectopic pregnancy which they could not find. Back on the ward to was given a morphine drip and also had a catheter. Prior to the surgery, the doctor told me I could return to work the following Monday (4 days post-surgery) and was a bit surprised. All the doctors said to get rid of it was to walk. I think i have healed well went back to work fulltime after 4 weeks and periods have returned to normal. I didnt quite understand the scale of the ultra sound. Dr. After what seem like forever they wheeled me to my room and my husband and mom came in and explained what happened. Dr. And as for the constipation problem for some people, PRUNE JUICE definite works. This was not discovered until October 08 when I had an ultra sound scan. After my surgery, I was at home recovering for 4 months. I can feel the big bubble travel up there. I am a solo mother to two school-age children, and I had no backup help arranged for them and for simple chores like grocery shopping - big mistake. I would encourage any lady who have a pending surgery to seek advise from those who has experienced it. I went in as an outpatient procedure and was told I had a golf ball size cyst on my right ovary and that I would have the cyst removed and possibly the ovary. This past week was slightly easier, but not much. I have a FLAT stomach and right know i look to be about 5 months pregnant. It turned out that my tube and bowel were attatched to my appendix scar. When it was removed it was a 16lb 17x15cm. m. Will a cyst this size more than likely need a laparotomy. I was expecting by now that the swelling in my stomach would have gone down, but it seems that many of you are still swollen after this length of time post surgery. Medical History: Mr. I went in knowing I had a large abdominal mass (16cm) and had showed signs of cancer markers in my bloods. The gas pains are horrible, i have never felt anything like this in my life. My surgery was at 11:40am and they discharged me at 2pm. The cut it not painfull to me,I have stiches from the insde. Starting to accept the fact it will take time, will be pleased once stomache starts to decrease slightly seems to increase from an already bloated belly to a good extra 4 inches by the end of the day - weird almost like all the fluid and gas settles in other areas in the night then throughout the day it comes back to the one spot. can any1 advise a proper recovery period. (not the same time as antibiotics, with caffeine etc. 2 weeks later. Its hard to describe but I experiance a lot of sharp pains in both my hips and down my left side, has anyone experiance the same. I have my follow-up appointment on 3rd Feb so im looking forward to being back to myself very soon. I also wish someone had told me to take a gentle laxative every day post surgery. I have been off work for 8 weeks and yes I am tired but I think it has to do with being able to nap everyday. Best of luck to all of you for a speedy recovery. Jamaples, I agree with you to listen to your body, the only thing is that sometimes your body does not tell you it rather show you. I believe you can claim disability through your employer. As most have said the bloating and gas pain is painful but manageable after the first week. I would try to just do e-mail at the computer for an hour or two, and my body would start shaking from exhaustion. Mention it to your doctor anyway but Im sure its nothing for you to worry about. At the time they could not rule out cancer. Before I had spotting (brown stuff) for 4 weeks before I found out I had my cyst. I also had a catheter in which was removed 24 hours after surgery together with the morphine pump. When they stitch you up, they would of had to stitch up different layers inside the stomach. My initial complaint was chronic hip pain in my right hip, which has totally gone now thanks to the surgery, it was due to scarring on the uteral sacro ligament. I have been to the gp as I felt like I had a water infection and felt constant pressure within my pelvis. I am a solo mother to two school-age children, and I had no backup help arranged for them and for simple chores like grocery shopping - big mistake. 17, 2008. Back on the ward to was given a morphine drip and also had a catheter. There is no pus, no fever, no pain, no redness other than the general scar area. You wouldnt believe how much pain wind can cause, and it can also cause pain in places you wouldnt expect. It turned out that when they opened me up the cyst had grown to 12cmx10cm and had my fallopian tube stuck to it and it had smothered the ovary. Hormones have been all over the place as well. I went back for my two-week check-up certain there was something terribly wrong with me, because I was still in pain. As most have said the bloating and gas pain is painful but manageable after the first week. I had a 5cm dermoid cyst removed from right ovary 5 weeks ago. I too have the over hanging, swollen abdomen, but hope that after my first menstrual this will start to go down. I had both ovaries removed Dec 18th by laproscopy and I feel pretty good, but my belly button incision seems to be open, like the stitch dissolved before the skin closed over complete. They were going to try a laparoscopy but because of the size, didnt think possible as the cysts are filled with a fluid that will poison you if leaked into the body. The more you get up and walk around, the more the soreness leaves. Just recently got back to work on a Gradual Return to Work Plan. I went home a day later I had the tape strips over it and took them off the following week. Also 4 days are definitely not going to be enough time to recover. It is pain like you would hopefully never have to experience again. I think you should take more time off from work to rest if you could. My 10cm incision was made under my bikini line (very grateful for that). I was booked in for my operation on New Years Eve and i guess i wasnt really prepared for what i was in for. -30lbs in a year. I was alotted sick leave for the first 5 days and the additional 5 were covered under state disability benefits. I am an accountant so my work does not require much movement. My tummy is huge and bloated and the pain worsens during the day. When i was in surgery they found it was ruptured ovarian cyst and slit my fallopian tube to check for ectopic pregnancy which they could not find. I wish someone would have prepared me for the experience. I wish someone would have prepared me for the experience. I am scheduled back at work 17 days after the surgery and I am seriously doubting even with 7 days to go that I will be able to do this, even at 27 years old I do not know where I will find the strenght I feel like she is pushing me and I do not know that this is healthy. I should have taken the 6 weeks, just because I wanted 1 extra week to relax before jumping back into the stressful work environment. What i have a problem with currently is that my stomach normally bulges and its not too sore, just a bit uncomfortable as i sometimes look pregnant. Well, that did occur but I knew that after my surgery that something was very wrong. It is pain like you would hopefully never have to experience again. Sorry, and not to be disrespectful or anything - but. Hang in there everyone, the first couple of days after surgery are painful but it does get better-trust me. The constipation was giving off toxins which were poisoning me. Thank god my mother stepped in and filled the gaps. m. I was refraining from eating salt so that the swelling in my body would go do down but found that I was having muscle spasms in my abdomen and legs, possibly due to low electrolites (too much water and too little minerals). You mention it being hot to touch and oozing, this is a sign of infection. The pain was quite intense and actually radiated all up the right side of my body and into my right shoulder which made it painful to breathe. found a large fibroid in my uterus so laparotomy it was. My surgery was at 11:40am and they discharged me at 2pm. I never even bothered to fill my prescription for vicodin. My gyno will do an ultra sound this coming week because she felt something on the left during the pelvic exam. I am 28 years old with no children and I missed my period for 2 m